Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas with the Henson's

Cash loves to play in the bathtub so we got him a lego tug boat to play with in the tub. I talked to Mindy a couple of days later and found out that he loved it. Yeah!
This is Hunter's first Christmas gift. He got an A&M wind suit that is very cute I'm sure he will get lots of use out of it in the future.
I found these two T-shists in Canton a couple of months ago one says, "what happens at my Aunts house, stays at my Aunts house. " and if you know Toby and Mindy you know that they love Vegas. The other T-shirt says, " The spitting image of my Dad" which is so true. Sorry Toby there is no dening it anymore.
Cash also got a lawn mower that blows bubbles, but the bubbles were used for Jayson's sercert Santa and I didn't get them replaced before Cash openned his gift. So when he openned it, Jayson helped him put it together, and off he went. But after about 5 maybe 10 minutes he started to look at the box and notice all the bubbles and that his wasn't making any, He is so smart. Sorry Cash I know I still owe you bubbles.
Hunter also got a Glow worm that will sing to him. Cute, I had one when I was growing up also.
Toby and Mindy were out shopping in the mall, and Toby found this vendor that was seeling christmas things and found this, it a mama bear with a T-shirt that says baby and an arrow pointing down, and the a daddy bear with a T-shirt that says beer and an arrow pointing down, it has a banner beneath them that says, " We're pregnent" 2008. Great find Toby I love it!
We had a great christmas with Henson's. We are looking forward to many more with them and watching Cash and Hunter grow up together.

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